Growing up in the 70's there were a few of what I thought of as legit members of the anointed class.
Two of them were sisters and one was a brother.
There were a lot of JW's at the time who sold their homes and bought mobile homes and they moved into a mobile home park across from our Kingdom Hall so they could hunker down and wait out the end of the "system of things".
The two anointed sisters lived side by side with their husbands and family in double wide trailers and were pioneering. Neither knew how to drive so being across from the Hall meant they could walk over there for meetings and service. Both sisters were married, one of them was elderly and always wore a turban. (as a kid I used to think she didn't have time to dry her hair before the meeting and had it wrapped in a towel LOL!) She was married to an elder and everyone spoke of her in hushed tones and the hall would grow quiet whenever she would answer at the watchtower study. Years later when she finally died, her obituary said that she was once a palm reader before becoming one of Jehovah's Witness. (This somewhat explained why she always wore a turban LOL! ).
The other anointed sister was married before becoming a JW and had 3 teens who were holy terrors. Her husband was opposed and used to look into the windows of the Kingdom Hall at night to see what she was up to in there. Her kids came along reluctantly but progressed. The son gave his first talk while high on Mescaline he had purchased behind a pet shop in the city (he told me this years later). Eventually this sister convinced her husband to study and get baptized but as time went on, this she got the "heavenly calling" and began partaking of the emblems. Her husband was genuinely pissed because this meant that she had gotten him to believe that he was going to live forever in paradise but now because of this anointed business, she wouldn't be there.
The older anointed brother that attended our Hall was a bit of a country bumpkin and would give the Memorial talk each year. When looking up scriptures he'd use such expressions such as "Lookie' here at what da' Bible say at Luke 22...". His talks were ploddingly slow and confusing and if you weren't already familiar with JW teachings, you'd be thoroughly confused. I saw many a "visitor" scratching their heads in confusion during his talks.
When our boys were babies, I took evening classes at the local community college. The classes were sometimes on Tuesday which meant that I couldn't attend the book study. This anointed brother came over and told me that end was so close that the book study was our lifeline and a college education was a waste of time and that I was putting my spiritual welfare in jeopardy. He asked me how I'd like the idea of some other man raising my boys and being married to my wife in the new system instead of me. I wanted to throw him out of my house but he was of the "anointed" so he too was special for that to happen.
That was 30 years ago, my boys are grown, have college degrees and children of their own and I retired early with a pension. That anointed brother has been gone for at least 15 years . Armageddon didn't come and there is no longer even a "book study". His much younger mail order asian wife is married to another man. Jokes on him I guess.